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Faster Mobilisation and Rehabilitation using VR

Recovery redefined using VR with new methods to enhance the path to recovery.

Learn why

Rehabilitation with Virtual Reality

The Mobilisation & Rehab VR solution is an innovative, scientifically validated method to increase engagement and intensity of rehabilitation treatments. It includes two evidence-based VR applications, offering exercises tailored to physical as well as cognitive rehabilitation, covering a complete spectrum of patients and indications.

Powerful benefits

Discover the SyncVR all-in-one mobilisation and rehab solution to bring you all the benefits of VR to your rehabilitation program.

Comes with advantages

Shorter rehabilitation

By integrating VR during your treatments, you can benefit from quicker recoveries and more efficient treatments. (De Assis Pereira Cacau et al, 2013)

Improve engagement

Increase the level of participation, motivation, and commitment to recovery achieving better outcomes by using tailor-made VR exercises.

Measure progress with data-driven insights

Access real-time statistics from the VR treatments that provide insights which empower you to finetune and personalise treatment plans.

Rehabilitation using Virtual Reality
Learn how

All-in-one solution

SyncVR’s all-in-one solution is a complete package to seamlessly integrate VR into your practice. Delivering top-tier hardware, VR applications specifically designed for rehabilitation, essential licences, and a guided implementation process supported by our team of experts including workshops and recurring evaluations. Experience the power of VR without any hassle!

What’s included?


With leading applications

Choose any of our curated and clinically validated applications available in the App Store. Each application is carefully tailored to enhance your personal practise. All available in one platform! Discover the appstore ->

SyncVR Fit

Evidence-based rehabilitation in VR, gamified – from goalkeeping in a virtual gym to picking fruit on a tropical island. SyncVR Fit is the most widely used VR rehabilitation application in Europe and the United Kingdom, and has been used in a variety of clinical studies.

Koji's Quest

Koji’s Quest transforms classic neuropsychological training into challenging & fun, serious games that improve cognitive functioning & information processing. With a clinical dashboard that allows it to be used both in in-patient clinics as well as remote independent training from home.

For whom

VR is useful for many kinds of treatments

Implementing VR can enhance many types of rehabilitation.

Outpatient Rehabilitation

Inpatient Rehabilitation







Learn why

Beloved by patients

Stories of improved quality of life and quicker recoveries are a testament to the real difference VR makes. The love and trust we get from patients inspire us to push the boundaries of rehabilitation innovation.

Trusted by partners

Our partners believe in the power of Virtual Reality

The compelling potential of virtual reality is endorsed by over 250 of our valued customers.

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Trusted by our clients

More VR solutions

We offer a wide range of VR solutions to help clients improve their patient and staff’s experience.

Pain management

Reduce pain, stress and medication during medical procedures using Virtual Reality.

• Relax & Distract Plus
• Hypno VR


Education & Training

Learn better and faster with Training & Education in VR.

• Organon
• Orama VR


Are you excited?

Renee Willems profielfoto
Talk to us

We’d love to hear from you! Reach out with any questions that cross your mind.

Hi, my name is Renee Willems. Your thoughts and questions mean a lot to us! We’re always working to make your experience even better. Do not hestitate to reach out to me for a chat. I will help you with any questions you’ve got!

Phone Number
(303) 555-0105
Opening Hours
09:00 – 22:00