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Arnhemseweg 6, 3817 CH, Amersfoort, The Netherlands

Improve healthcare with Virtual Reality

We’re HK's new healthcare Virtual Reality (VR) platform, and we provide bespoke, comprehensive VR solutions for your entire healthcare organisation. Our aim is to simplify and support the implementation process from start to finish.
Healthcare using virtual reality

Stay one step ahead to improve patient outcomes, education and healthcare performance

Discover new ways to increase patient comfort, lower pain medication, enhance rehabilitation and boost education through virtual experiences.
Learn how

45 healthcare apps, carefully tailored to your needs

We curate the best XR apps from all around the world, combine them on one central platform and implement XR step-by-step into your whole healthcare organisation.

SyncVR Medical appstore
Number of treatments performed with virtual reality
Actieve ziekenhuisafdelingen die gebruik maken van Virtual Reality met SyncVR
Improve staff and patient experience

Unburden staff by reducing workload and providing new ways to de-stress whilst simultaneously boosting patient satisfaction and comfort.

Lower healthcare costs

Decrease the need for pain medications, reduce length of stay in hospital and lower costs of education and training of staff.

Improve patient outcomes

Manage pain more effectively, reduce anxiety and increase involvement of patients in their own health journeys.

Team of doctors making use of virtual reality
Is this for me?

Suitable for 30+ specialties.

Why it works

Supported by leading scientific research

Research is the backbone of what we do and plays a vital role in developing our solutions. Science is continuing to show the effectiveness of VR

Child wearing virtual reality (VR) headset in hospital


Exploring Virtual Reality in Pediatrics: Investigating impact on Pain and Anxiety

Patient wearing a Virtual Reality (VR) headset during a treatment


Systematic review to compare the effectiveness of VR in reducing acute and chronic pain in adults.

Patient at physiotherapy following a rehabilitation programme wearing a Virtual Reality headset


Meta-analysis to assess the effectiveness of Virtual Reality Rehabilitation programs. 

Trusted by clients

Our clients believe in the power of virtual reality

The compelling potential of virtual reality is endorsed by over 250 of our valued customers.
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Renee Willems profielfoto
Talk to us

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hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhRenee Willems.hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Phone Number
(303) 555-0105
Opening Hours
09:00 ��躰�肽𨯙�礆���𨯙嚙質腺颲𥡝噸�𨯙�𣲷嚙賢�躰�肽𨯙��躰腺颲𥕦�䈑蕭頨圈鐯嚙賜硃嚗栞�嚙賢坾�萄�躰腺颲𥡝噸�𨯙��䂿㦤嚙踝蕭頨圈�剖�躰釭皛��躰釭嚙質腺颲𥡝噸�𨯙��躰釭皛䕘蕭蝎對�栞�镼亙�躰陪嚙踢�虬藂�辷蕭蝷�嚙踝蕭嚙賡朖嚙踝蕭頨堆蕭藀朴嚙踝蕭嚙賢��蕭�𣵛�𨯙嚙踝蕭頨圈�哨蕭�覔剖�躰釭嚙賢�躰釭皛䕘蕭蝎對�栞�嚙賢坾�萄�躰腺颲𥡝噸�𨯙��躰陪嚙質葩敹吔蕭嚙質滌嚙質�踢辛辷蕭蝷�嚙踝蕭嚙質𨯙嚙踝蕭��磰𨯙�礆���鍳嚙踝蕭藂��𨯙��躰釭皛䕘蕭�鍳嚙踝蕭頨圈鐯嚙賜硃嚗栞�嚙賢坾�萄�躰腺颲𥡝噸�𨯙��躰釭皛䕘蕭�鍳嚙踝蕭藆佅嚙賭��藂�辷蕭嚙踢冗賂蕭蒫芾𨯙嚙踝蕭�𣵛�𨯙嚙賜�拚�颲瑁𨯙�礆����嚙踝蕭頨啗�箏�躰釭��䈑蕭嚙賢�躰釭�烵嚙踢辛辷蕭艞眺��躰郭嚙質滌嚙質�踢辛辷蕭嚙質滌�剁蕭嚙賜�页蕭頨堆蕭�踢辛辷蕭蝷�嚙踝蕭嚙踢辛辷蕭嚙踝蕭艟丹嚙踝蕭頨堆蕭�踢辛辷蕭嚙質滌�剖�躰�肽𨯙嚙踢辛坔�躰腺�毋言�𨯙��嚙賢�䈑蕭頨堆蕭�踢辛辷蕭蝷�嚙踝蕭嚙踢辛坔�躰釭�粹3藆�嘥烵嚙踢辛辷蕭嚙質滌�剖�躰釭皛��躰釭嚙質腺颲𨥈蕭 22:00