For whom
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For whom?
Is this solution for me?

Your department can benefit from VR. We currently support over more then 15000 different departments across Europe.

Nurses love to work with VR in their day-to-day lives. Why? Because it contributes to patient happiness. Luckily, we support all types of nurses.

Doctors embrace VR to optimise their workflow and create valuable time. We support all specialties, as we proudly support doctors of every kind.

Is this for me?
Suitable for 30+ specialties.
- Pediatrics
- Surgery
- Anaesthesia
- Oncology
- Pain department
- Gynaecology
- Orthopaedics
- Neurology
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Geriatrics
- Nephrology
- Endocrinology
- And more
Patient stories
IV placed to a 13 year old boy without fear
The VR headset turned out to be THE solution for a 13-year-old boy to have an IV placed without fear. I stayed with it a few times. One day he said: 嚙踝蕭頨堆蕭�踢辛辷蕭蝷�嚙踝蕭嚙質𨯙嚙質��𨯙�礆��梹蕭蝞賂蕭嚙賬�拙�辷蕭 don嚙踝蕭頨堆蕭�踢辛辷蕭蝷�嚙踝蕭嚙賡朖��躰�肽𨯙�礆���𨯙嚙質腺颲𨥈蕭 have to come anymore, as long as I have the VR headset!
嚙踝蕭頨堆蕭�踢辛辷蕭蝷�嚙踝蕭嚙踢辛坔�躰釭�粹3藂��𨯙 Aline Kalisvaart, Medical pedagogical assistant, Wilhelmina KinderZiekenhuis

Want to learn about how VR can help your profession today?

Talk to us
We嚙踝蕭頨堆蕭�踢辛辷蕭蝷�嚙踝蕭嚙踢辛辷蕭嚙賢�躰釭嚙賜ㄟ藂�辷蕭嚙質噸�𨯙 love to hear from you! Reach out with any questions that cross your mind.
Hi, my name is Renee Willems. Your thoughts and questions mean a lot to us! We嚙踝蕭頨堆蕭�踢辛辷蕭蝷�嚙踝蕭嚙賡朖��躰�肽𨯙�礆���蕭��吔蕭頨堆蕭�踢辛� always working to make your experience even better. Do not hestitate to reach out to me for a chat. I will help you with any questions you嚙踝蕭頨堆蕭�踢辛辷蕭蝷�嚙踝蕭嚙賡朖��躰�肽𨯙�礆��梹蕭蝬質𨯙�𩸭嚙踝蕭嚙質噸�𨯙 got!